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Benefits of Fall Painting

Fall is a terrific time for house painting!

As professional painters, we are constantly monitoring weather conditions. Spring showers can be unpredictable, summer heat and humidity can mess with paint drying times, and winter is just… winter.

But fall, glorious fall! Our paint crews appreciate the cooler weather for physical activity. And there are fewer worries about surprise rain showers popping up on our radar. Most important, autumn’s cooler temps and lower humidity provide ideal conditions for paint drying. Your paint colors will really pop.

Given all these benefits to fall painting, it’s no small irony that we get fewer jobs this time of year. Paint issues take a back seat to other concerns as people get busy with back-to-school activities and holiday planning.

This decrease in demand can be a boon to procrastinators. Our crews are more flexible and generally have more options to suit your schedule than in high summer. Low demand also means fall discounts to keep our crews busy through the end of the painting season. So waiting to get your paint work done until the cooler season means faster turnaround times and better deals. You're also more likely to find sales on paint and painting supplies at this time of year.

What are you waiting for? With over 35 years' experience, there's no job we can't handle! Call us for an estimate today, (952) 469-5901.

From Our Customers

"Proud to have you as a trade partner"
"Wildly Impressed"
"Consummate Professionals"
"Extraordinarily professional"
"The only painter I'll use"

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