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Does your home seem to have less sparkle these days? It might be time to repaint your walls. Not only will it make the house feel cleaner, but a new splash of color may be exactly what you need to get through the long winter months.


Should you do the painting yourself or hire Cityscape? Here are some factors to consider:


1) How old is your current paint job?

If your interior paint is over five years old, it’s probably time to repaint, especially in high traffic areas. From daily use to environmental contaminants, a fresh coat of paint will not only renew the look of your home, it will also refresh your home as well, sealing in years of dust, dander and other debris.  Beyond that, paints are continually improving with new technologies like Sherwin Williams Super Paint with Air Purifying Technology!  Ask us today about what new and exciting paint options are available for us to use in your home!


2) How challenging is the work?

If you can't comfortably reach what you're painting with a stepladder, then hire a professional. Not only do we have a full staff of experienced painters, but we also have the specialty tools to deal with high ceilings and work around obstacles such as stairways and chandeliers. We’ll do the job faster, safer, and better.


3) How much time do you have?

Not only do DIYers need to plan out and purchase all the painting supplies, they also have to move or cover furniture, protect the floors, tape around wall features such as windows and outlets, and prep the walls. If your lifestyle doesn’t leave time for all this, consider hiring professionals.


4) How much repair work is involved?

Last year during the holidays, my bored young nephew tried to climb the large wardrobe in the hallway We watched in horror as the piece slowly start to tip towards him, until his father rushed over and SLAMMED the armoire back into place, leaving two huge holes in the wall. While my brother was happy to spackle and cover the odd nick and dent, he called in the professionals for this repair job. You should too. (And don't blame the kid. These things happen.)


5) How fit are you?

A lot of hardy Minnesotans have a hard time outsourcing interior paint jobs. But this is very physical work! It requires balance to dangle off a ladder and reach for that corner spot. It also requires working with your arms above your head much of the time. If you're over a certain age or your doctor has restricted your physical activity, don't take chances. Hire a pro. Your loved ones will thank you.


If you decide to do the work yourself, remember to invest in quality supplies. Good paint is expensive, but it will still look bad if you use cheap rollers. To get a professional-looking result, make sure your budget allows for professional-grade supplies.


Value your home. Be safe. Love your kids. From all of us at Cityscape Painting, Happy New Year!


Call Cityscape Painting today at 952-469-5901 for all of your painting needs.

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