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Tips for Hosting a Paint Crew

I grew up in rural Minnesota and my mother invited EVERY worker in for a cup of coffee and a dessert when they finished for the day. She was a good cook, and I remember handymen always entering our kitchen with big smiles of anticipation to announce they were done.

I thought about this when we had a repairman at our house a couple years ago. I was busy working from home and had no treats on hand. I couldn’t even offer a cup of coffee since I don’t drink the stuff. My mother would have been so ashamed.

How much hospitality do painters REALLY expect from homeowners? Here are a few tips on what you can do to make your work crew feel like rock stars.


Clean the workspace.
We’d prefer not to touch your personal belongings, or be responsible if we move them aside and you can’t find them later. Our crew is paid by the hour even if they’re just standing around waiting for the foremen to clear the workspace of your personal belongings. By clearing out our workspace and laying down tape and drop cloths beforehand, you’re both showing courtesy AND lowering your final bill.

Let us know the parking situation.
We work faster when we have easy access to our tools and equipment. If parking space is limited, let us know in advance and, if possible, allow us to park at least one vehicle nearby. You may want to warn your neighbors when we are coming and how long we are staying. Although street parking is legal, we don’t want to cause problems between you and anyone who will be upset if we park in front of their home. (You’ll have to live beside them long after we’re gone.)

Talk about the noise level.
Our crews like playing the radio for weather alerts, especially if we’re working outdoors. Our work can also be noisy as we shout instructions over the hum of our equipment. That’s not to say we HAVE to be loud. If you’re working from home or have young children who need naps, discuss your expectations with us in advance so we can prepare accordingly.


Share your facilities.
If clearing the workspace is the top priority for good hosts, this is number two. Our favorite clients are the ones who greet us with a piece of paper showing the location of bathrooms and power outlets we’re allowed to use, and a WIFI code. Seriously, thank you. You guys are amazing.

Keep kids and pets safely away from our workspace.
There's no better start to a day than to be greeted by a child's smile or a dog's wagging tail. But we are working with chemicals that can be dangerous to small bodies. For the safety of your loved ones, please keep them far away from the workspace throughout our project.

Offer food and drink (but don’t expect us to accept).
We always bring our own food and drinks, but it’s nice when the homeowner offers coffee on a cool morning or lemonade on a hot afternoon – or leaves a basket of snacks out for the crew. It’s a good way to break the ice so we feel more comfortable coming to you with questions about the job or vice versa.

With over 35 years' experience, there's no job we can't handle! Call Cityscape Painting for an estimate today, (952) 469-5901.

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